\chuck benz Chuck Benz ASIC & FPGA Design cbenz@chuckbenz.com http://asics.chuckbenz.com http://www.simadd.com (603)465-3607 sit-link sit-link is a virtual serial link connecting two logic simulations, whether local or geographically distant. Serial data is passed between the simulations over a network connection. By giving the virtual link a latency of several bit times (for example, 40 to 200 bit times), the effect of real world network latency can be minimized, and simulation performance of typical complex designs will not degrade significantly.* Using sit-link requires adding one simple module to the simulation to represent one end of the serial link, with connections needed only to the transmit and receive serial data. A separate application is run on the same machine as the simulator to make the network connection. sit-link is simple to integrate because data is passed between the simulator and the application by unix named pipes, avoiding the need for PLI/VPI/DPI. sit-link is easily added to existing testbenches. If desired, PLI/VPI/DPI implementations of sit-link will be available. sit-link allows inter-company simulations to be implemented without exposing intellectual property. The simulation test bench on each side of the link retains full control of the simulation, and can end simulation when interoperability goals have been met, or upon any other desired condition. sit-link can be started discretely with each run of a simulation, or act as a server that starts a simulation in response to a connection. An optional sit-link proxy can serve as an intermediary and match pairs of simulators, simplifying firewall port forwarding considerations. *The two simulations will advance in simulation time together, so the performance is necessarily limited by the slower of the two.